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An important goal of the foundation is to connect with as many people as possible (within and outside the intended target group of a project). We do this by organizing regular meetings in the form of viewings, workshops and an ongoing exhibition of the work created and delivered.
The icing on the cake is the annual Collecting Stories (film) festival. The first edition is scheduled for September and it promises to be a special day!


Three times a year the foundation organizes a viewing, or a pre-premiere of a film or project. The viewings are held in a cinema and preceded by a lecture by the maker(s). The viewings are exclusively for donors of the foundation, guests, press and funds. The following dates are reserved (subject to change) for the viewings in 2024:
Sunday April 7, 2024
Sunday July 7, 2024
Sunday November 3, 2024
All viewings take place in Amsterdam. The exact location will be announced one month in advance. (in connection with the number of visitors and program content)


Four times a year the foundation organizes a workshop with the theme ‘storytelling’. The perspective may vary per workshop and/or workshop supervisor. Dates, topics, locations and prices will follow soon…


Every year in September, the foundation organizes a (film) festival at which the films produced are shown, where there is also room for supplied or purchased films, lectures, workshops and space for networking and entertainment. The exact dates, location, program and prices will follow soon…